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Discover your purpose and take your spiritual life
to the next level with Elevate Spiritual Life Coaching!

Embracing a New Era Your Way.

What is the difference between a Therapist and a Life Coach?

The significant difference between a therapist and a life coach is the focus of the work: a therapist must take a board license exam before being able to practice as a therapist. Therapist can work with clients for long stretches. Depending on their focus on mental health and emotional healing, there are many umbrellas they practice under, i.e., Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Licensed Professional Counselor or Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and of the like. A Life Coach does not necessarily have to be certified as such to be able to practice. Coaches work with clients for short periods. They help individuals in different areas of their life. Encouraging clients through personal or career challenges helps guide clients to reach their ultimate goals and focus on setting and achieving goals. Identify and describe current problematic behaviors, so the client can work to modify them. The main difference between a life coach and a therapist is that a coach sets clients up with the process and skills they need to coach themselves eventually. 

How would a Spiritual Life Coach help me?

I offer guidance to those who seek self-improvement by gaining a higher perspective on life through an understanding of energy. It is essential to comprehend that everything is energy, and we can apply this concept to all dimensions by testing the frequency and density. Spirituality is an infinite pursuit that does not promote or oppose any religion, culture, ethnicity, or creed. It is a search for meaning and purpose, a connection with everything in the universe, and a transcendence of self, resulting in a sense of divine love, compassion, inner peace, and well-being.

How to unlock my next level?

Complete the self-concept quiz below. Connect with me by booking a free 15-minute discovery call. During the consultation, we will establish your goals and expected outcome.

Frequently asked Questions

Q: Will my information be shared?

A: Elevate is a professional entity. We will build a sacred space together. Your information will not be shared or discussed with another party.

Q: How do I pay?

A: Once you establish which workshop best suits you, you can pay the total upfront. Additionally, there are monthly payment options available with a card on file. The monthly payment will automatically withdraw from the card on file on the first of every month.

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